Cocktail Quiz NO.002
What cocktail is a bubbly and refreshing rum drink with a touch of honey and lime?
Reveal of 002 Quiz: Air Mail
The origin of this cocktail can be traced back to the rise of airmail, with the first scheduled airmail flight taking place in 1918 from New York to Washington D.C., making communication more convenient. In tribute to this phenomenon, the Air Mail cocktail was created.
This cocktail first appeared in a promotional pamphlet from the famous rum brand Bacardi in the 1930s, recommending Bacardi Gold rum as the base for this classic cocktail. The first appearance of the Air Mail in a cocktail book was in the 1941 wooden-covered "Here's How," which is highly collectible due to its unique wooden cover and leather binding.
The Air Mail was later featured in David Embury's 1948 publication "The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks," a highly innovative and unique cocktail book of its time, where the author shared his strong opinions and insights on cocktail preparation.
Mixing Insights:
This drink is similar to a rum-based French 75. Cocktails with champagne typically use a tall, narrow champagne flute to preserve the bubbles, but the original recipe for the Air Mail calls for a large capacity highball glass.Fresh lime juice and honey are used to achieve a balance of sweet and sour. It's important to pay attention to the type of honey used, as the wrong proportions during shaking can lead to an overly sweet or sour drink, diminishing the rum's flavor.
Finally, add the bubbly champagne slowly along the side of the glass to prevent the bubbles from dissipating quickly by hitting the ice directly. The rich bubbles provide a refreshing and balanced taste experience.